This chart was cast 10 January 2022 2:10pm GMT
A note on medical charts: There are very few astrologer/doctors, and I am not medically trained. We take medical charts as far as we can safely, and advise the querent to discuss further with trained medical professionals before committing to any potentially risky changes.
The querent had a diagnosed underactive thyroid problem, and had varied advice from doctors to take certain medicine or not take it. It appeared the medication didn’t work well for the querent, but coming off it creates a ‘withdrawal’, mimicking the symptoms of the disease itself.
The saw small improvements as they slowly weaned themselves off the medication, and wondered about the best course of action. Alongside the core question, they were curious about treatment options and improving their health in general.
The querent
The querent is Lord 1, ☿ at 08° ♒︎ 59’ in House 9. Unlike other horary charts, the ☽ is not included in medical horary charts as cosignificator.
The thyroid and the illness
While thyroid problems cause systemic issues, the thyroid is a specific gland located in the throat area, which is represented by House 2, and at the base of the neck is the second sign’s ruler – ☉ at at 20° ♑︎ 18’.
Immediately, we can see that the querent is in the detriment of ♒︎, where they have strong negative feelings to the harm the disordered thyroid has caused. ☿ in ♒︎ also describes the issue – ♄ is a planet that restricts, hence the underactive thyroid condition. As ☿ applies we can expect at least a short-term worsening, and a generally long-term illness.
The doctor and the medicine
The doctor is Lord 7, ♃ 2° ♓︎ 29′ in House 10, where they are dignified but, more importantly, in the detriment of the querent – even a good doctor might harm their patient. The treatment is Lord 10, ♄ 12° ♒︎ 58′ in house 9. This is the same as the significator for the illness, but as we know what what illness is, we can take it as the treatment. ♒︎ is the detriment of ☉, so we know this is not doing the thyroid any good. It would be beneficial to see the querent ‘under the power’ of the doctor or the treatment by being in strong dignities of them, but this is not the case. The doctor has little hold of the condition overall. So the doctor harms the querent, and the treatment and/or illness harms the thyroid – this is not a good situation for the querent at all!
What can the querent do?
First and foremost, any medical treatment which is apparently ineffective according to the chart needs to be discussed with the treating doctor. After that, medical astrology can point us towards lifestyle changes that will begin to adjust conditions in the body. The illness, represented by ♄ in ♒︎ shows an overabundance of ‘airy’ or sanguine conditions in the body at large, which can be reduced by changes in diet – encouraging the body to cool and dry with certain foods – sour foods, root vegetables, low levels of alcohol and so on, as well as moderate exercise and plenty of rest. In this case, the foods cool and dry the body, and the exercise helps to literally ‘burn off’ any excesses in heat, and sweat out moisture.
The verdict
It would be irresponsible to tell a querent to quit their medication – I am not a doctor. However, it appears the medication is not doing them as much good as the doctors think it is. My recommendation was to re-loop with the doctor and consider some dietary changes to help support the body in this.
The result
Late in September 2022 – 9 months after the casting of the chart – the querent got in touch. They had spoken to a thyroid dietary specialist who advised a diet high in fruit and root vegetables, minimal meat and a low-intensity exercise regime. They are now completely off the medication, managing their condition via lifestyle choices, and doing much better for it – still under the observation of their doctor.