A chance of romance?
The querent, a young woman, asked a question about a man who frequently visited her but had expressed no desire to enter into a more serious romantic relationship. She wanted more, he said he didn’t but she hoped he was going to change his mind. Would he? The querent is represented by Lord 1, the Moon at 4° Scorpio 49′, in fall and in the Via Combusta – commonly a place of ‘desperation’ for the Moon. As a woman, the querent can also be represented by Venus at 26° Taurus 54′ in dignity (at least for now – it will head into Gemini soon). Venus is her as a woman – her feminine side, her attractiveness, her stereotypical womanly qualities in romance. It’s common for Venus to represent a woman’s sex drive. Venus is immediately conjunct Caput Algol, the star of ‘losing your head’, so may not be thinking very