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Provide your name, email address, query and context. Please make sure you have clarified your question in your mind – a clear question will result in clear answers. Provide as much context as you can, if it might be relevant.
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A horary reading is a very simple process, and the method was developed without the need for any birth data to base a chart on. The reading process includes four steps – the first and last involve the querent, but the reading itself is down to me.
First, you ask me a question, providing information about the situation – who is involved and what is happening. I can help you formulate a clear question.
Second, I plot the chart for the time I read your question and for my location, with no need for your birth data, or your location.
Third, I look at the positions of relevant planets, stars and other celestial objects to find an answer.
Last, I provide your answer either in written format or during the video call with you for live readings.
It is possible to answer almost any question with horary astrology, but clarity, specificity and simplicity are important. Horary astrology is perfect for predicting events, analysing situations like relationships or difficulties in life, and assessing upcoming changes. Here are examples of concise questions perfect for horary.
Horary astrology can answer questions with exceptional clarity and detail. The more precise the question is, the better the answers available. Here are some tips for getting the most out of your questions:
Ask a single question on a single topic. The chart might give you related information, but keep it simple.
Vague questions get vague answers! Ask ‘Would I make a good accountant?’, not ‘What should I do with my life?’.
Don’t ask ‘Is my new beau the one?’ when you really want to know if you ex is still in love with you!